Pietro Fattore + Elisabetta Ferruccio

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Pietro Fattore Male (I2596)
Birth about 1793
Death 5 November 1837 (Age 44) -- Gioia Sannitica, Caserta, Campania, Italia

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Elisabetta Ferruccio Female (I2597)
Birth about 1788
Death 18 November 1846 (Age 58) -- Gioia Sannitica, Caserta, Campania, Italia
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Maria Michela Fattore Female (I2524)
Birth 2 January 1830 37 42 -- Gioia Sannitica, Caserta, Campania, Italia
Death before 1869 (Age 38)

Family Group Information   (F1229)
Last Change 18 November 2020 - 22:29:58 - by: pacifico