Written by Anna Di Leone
Monday, 12 March 2007 |
Asparagus soup (“zuppa d’ sparg”)Ingredients: - 300 g of asparagus
- 1/2 glass of extra-vergin olive oil
- 1/2 onion (not too big)
- 4 eggs
- grated cheese
- salt
Wash asparagus and eliminate wooden stems. Add minced onion and asparagus in a pan. Brown and add a glass of hot water, salt and cook for about 10-15 minutes. In the meanwhile beat eggs with grated cheese and a little salt. Add a glass of hot water and wait till it is boiling. Then add eggs and mix fast with a fork to amalgamate all the ingredients. Serve hot with some toasted bread. The recipe is cooked on March/April when some wild asparagus grows on the Mount Acero. It is very simple but tasty. (Translated by P. Cofrancesco) |
Last Updated ( Monday, 12 March 2007 )